Firstly, we can work on a ‘Cost per lead’ basis. That is, we will correspond on your behalf with the people we deem most fit for your business and its development, and it is only when these leads come to fruition, that you will be charged.
The other way in which we work with many of our clients, is to keep a ‘Business Retainer’. That is, we work on a by the week basis and provide you with services to promote your next project.
The third option available to our clients is to work with Orsopolis on a daily basis. This option offers you great flexibility and the ability to generate valuable leads in a concentrated manner.
Similarly, if we’re working on your site or pitch presentation, we will charge by the day for the services we provide. And of course if this is
the case, we will give you a project estimate before we begin
When you’re pitching for work, the presentation which you leave behind, is of paramount importance. It not only reminds the client what he has been told, but it leaves an impression of your brand. Orsopolis can help you create this, so that the lasting memory of your pitch is clear and lasting
Your site is the next place your potential client will go. Ergo, if the information you provide is not clear and coherent, as well as talking in a language that represents your brand, your business will suffer and potential new clients will go a miss. At Orsopolis, we can help streamline your communications and this include your web-build